Integrated English – Course Description

Employers everywhere agree that good communicators and critical thinkers are needed in the workforce. In the second year of all of our CTE programs, an English 12 credit is built into the curriculum focusing on the real-world skills needed to prepare students for the competitive market.

In this integrated approach of instruction, students will never have to write a paper on a book that has little of any relevance to what they want to do with their lives. All of their “English work” revolves around their CTE field of study. Technical Communication & Portfolio (TCP) students will ultimately create a masterwork portfolio that highlights both their Career & Tech abilities and communication skills. These portfolios will include (but are not limited to) resumes, work samples and career-related reading, writing and research projects that will make them look valuable to prospective employers.

Co-taught by the English and technical instructor, all TCP assignments are tailored to enhance program instruction with a concentration on business and industry vocabulary, and the reading and writing skills required by the specific tradework. Every assignment adheres to industry content while also being strategically aligned to ELA learning standards.

Upon the program’s completion, TCP’s final assessment (the portfolio) measures growth in their two-year learning experience, while showcasing their academic & technical abilities. Feedback shows that our portfolios have often made the difference for employment opportunities.


  • Posted on 26. August 2021