Grading Policies and Expectations
CONTACT ME – In a pinch, you may need to contact me through my email with an assignment or concerns. My email address is
Looking for an assignment? Our Google Classroom is where we will be doing the majority of our work. also has a bunch of our assignments, in the event that you can’t access GOOGLE CLASSROOM. For our purposes, it’s a great tool for backup purposes. I post all of my assignments and handouts to there for whomever needs them, publicly. The assignments will remain accessible throughout the entire school year.
ENGLISH 12 CREDIT – Fear not, most seniors get English 12 credit built into this class! This is great because, instead of having to read Romeo & Juliet or write a paper on why “George killed Lenny in the end of the book,” you will be reading and writing papers based on your CTE area of study!
CTE PORTFOLIO – The English portion of your CTE class is an amalgamation of job search, career readiness, and content specific research. All of our work culminates in the end into a valuable masterwork portfolio! Throughout the year we will complete a variety of assignments for your portfolio. These assignments may include, but are not limited to:
* Narrative essays (Goal Statement & Self-assessment)
* Article analyses * Technical Writing |
* Resume /Cover letter
* College comparison * Argumentative essays |
* Career Exploration
* Research papers * Research projects |
The portfolio will aid in both college and job readiness. It showcases your education and skills and can give you a leading edge. In the end, TCP aims to help you compile your work into a masterwork portfolio that can make you look valuable to a potential employer and hopefully get you hired. In short, the portfolio is the only one assignment in school that can directly make you money! $$$
EXTRA CREDIT FOR PORTFOLIO – Over the course of the year, please save all certifications, awards, recommendation letters, proof of participation statements, and anything else that can help you look valuable to a prospective employer. For each one of these objects, you will be awarded an additional 1 point onto your overall final portfolio grade (up to ten points in most classes.)
HOW ENGLISH IS INTEGRATED INTO YOUR GRADE – All English Grades are factored into your CTE program area of study grades. The way it works is everything you do for me counts as 20% of your overall CTE grade. If you do not do anything for English, theoretically, the highest you could get in your CTE class is an 80. This means if you do not expect perfect grades everywhere else, you could easily end up failing your CTE class in the event you blow off English. For the most part, there will be one assignment/grade a week that feeds into the creation of our CTE Portfolio.
MARKING PERIODS – We usually have about 4-6 TCP/written assignments any marking period. Quarterly TCP English Grades are typically comprised of these 4-6 assignments. Each assignment is worth 100 points. Missing one assignment con be very bad for your average.
CLASS TIME – Class time will be spent working together on reading, taking effective notes, practicing vocabulary, learning and using writing strategies, and strengthening your abilities to create accurate citations. You also will be given time to work individually on your weekly assignments. My expectation is that you will use this time productively. I am always available to you for any assistance that you need in understanding or completing an assignment.
SUPPLIES – You will be given a binder to showcase your portfolio work or continue using the binder you began developing in the first year of your course. Once work is revised and ready for your portfolio, you must place each piece in a plastic sheet protector in the binder. You will be choosing from these assignments at the end of your senior year to create an organized and employer ready portfolio. This portfolio is also part of the technical endorsement for your course of study. It is your responsibility to place all portfolio ready work in your portfolio and keep your portfolio updated. Do Not Write/Draw/Doodle on your portfolio binder. Your portfolio needs to be neat, clean and professional, as a potential employer could be looking at it one day, looking to possibly hire you.
ASSIGNMENT FORMAT & HEADING – For essays, you can use MS Word or Google docs. Some assignments will be completed in PowerPoint or Publisher. Assignments should all be typed in Times Roman, 12 point font. It is important to use the same font throughout the year to make sure that your portfolio is consistent, so it doesn’t look like a ransom note. Every assignment that you write must have a header and title. This is the correct format:
DUE DATES – All assignments have a due date. You will be given more time for longer essays and projects. You must turn them in by the due date. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you are missing, and I do expect you to catch up on work as soon as possible.
LATENESS – Each assignment is subject to a late grade.
ASSIGNMENT GRADING – Most every written assignment is graded using a rubric.
Here are some common TCP assignment rubrics:
My Favorite essay rubric
Cover Letter Rubric
Article Analysis rubric
Resume Rubric
Work Sample How To Rubric
Goal Statement Rubric
Essay rubric
Compare Contrast rubric
All assignments will be revised after they are turned back, because the first draft I see is really only rough draft. You have two opportunities to better your first draft. After handing an assignment in, you have a
1) SAVE ALL YOUR WORK! Everything we do is for your Portfolio. All assignments will be revisited at the end of the year when we print the final copy CLEAN AND FREE OF ERROR. Typically, you will create all of your documents using Google Classroom, unless otherwise directed. (It is also a good practice to save copies to a flash drive, if you have one!)
2) RESUBMIT, REVISE, REVISE! – Any graded, handed-back assignments can always be RESUBMITTED for more credit within one week’s time of being returned.
3) FINAL PORTFOLIO REVISION AT THE END OF THE YEAR – Once your paper has been graded, a hard copy must immediately go in your binder. In April/May, you will make further edits to these assignments for your final portfolio!
PLAGIARISM – We do not tolerate plagiarism. This includes copying work from other students, as well as taking work that you find in a book, article, internet site, etc. and turning it in as your own work. Any time you use 3 or more words directly from a reading, article, text, etc. without using quotation marks and a citation, you are committing plagiarism. If you do so, you will receive a 0.
BEHAVIOR – We expect you to follow all school rules including the cell phone policy. Respect the computer room. No food or drinks are permitted in the computer lab. Shut down your computers at the end of each class and push in your chair before leaving. Pick up after yourselves. Most importantly, remember that you are working towards a career. You need to behave in a mature and professional manner in class to prepare for “real world” experiences. Treat your classmates, teachers and administrators with respect.
TIMELINE – Here is a timeline that could act as map of where things will go in the future, in Mr. Bevan’s class:
FINAL PORTFOLIO GRADING BREAKDOWN – Here is grading information on your final portfolio – Final-Portfolio-Scoring-Rubric-2018